Thursday, January 29, 2015

Complex plots and stories

I am amazed to see the speed at which my little friend Dhanu is able to watch and understand the movies. I never understood the plot or the story of any of the movies until I was in 10th standard. When I think about the reason, now I could realize that the movies in those days had complex plots and stories. Almost all the movies had rape scenes and the main characters or the villians(bad-boys) involved in adultry. By contrast most of the movies today do not have a story and if at all they have, its a simple one.

When my little friend Dhanu started watching movies, one the earliest movies he saw was "Naan Ee". The movie had a narration style as if its told by someone. Also it has the concept of a good boy versus a bad boy, where the good boy wins and the bad boy looses. So, nowadays whenever Dhanu watches a movie, he initially asks us who the good boy is and who the bad boy is. Most of time he is able to identify this himself. Also he is aware that the good boy will have a girl friend. Unlike the movies of the yesteryears its not mandatory that the good boy should marry that girl before the movie ends.

At the rate at which my little friends are watching the movies on TV, I fear that soon they will become movie buffs.

But on the contrary I identified that the complex plots and stories, with rape scenes and adultry have moved to the TV serials. Some of the plots of these serials are so complex that even I am not able to understand at this age. For eg. in a serial, the second wife of a man conspires to separate the third wife from her first husband. It took me months to understand this plot and still I have to agree that my understanding may be wrong.

One day I decided to spend sometime watching serials. I saw one serial where one guy was a bad boy and doing all sorts of mischives. After a couple of ad-breaks found that he has changed completely. He became a good boy and was helping everyone. But I was not able to follow the serial, since almost all the people around him were different, including his wife. It took me sometime to realize that it was two different serials. In the first serial he was a bad boy, and in the next one he was a good boy. I couldn't figure our when the first one ended and the next one started.

All the women in the serials can be classified into two categories - bad ones and the suffering ones. Yes you read it correct. There are no good ones. The bad ones will be conspiring to spoil the families of others. The suffering ones will be suffering all through the serial, and they will be crying, crying and crying all the time. I moved along the channels and got to know that in all the serials there were only the above two groups of women. In Mallu serials, it was even more worse. Almost everyone was crying. I was sad to the condition of these poor women. Endless cries.

Neither the men in the serials appeared happy. Almost everyone in all the serials looked like as if they have lost something and worrying over it all the time.

Once when I felt that I was surrounded by worries and troubles both in my personal and professional life, I decided to see a serial - one serial - continuously. I took that decision because almost all in that serial were having problems and no one was having a peaceful life. While watching, I felt happy that my troubles in life were nothing compared to theirs. At least the problems in my life will come to end  sometime. But for them, there was no visibility for a peaceful life. Their problems and worries kept increasing. But after a couple of days, I couldn't tolerate, as I started worrying for their problems on top of my problems and I stopped watching it.


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