"Hi", he typed from his system from octa lab and waited for a reply.
He was a bit nervous, infact.
There was no reply from the other end for a few seconds.
"Hi", came the reply.
He was happy and thrilled.
"Is ****** there", he typed and hit the enter button again.
"No, she is not here... She is on leave today..." promptly came the reply.
"Oh... Ok... Thanks", He replied and closed the chat application. Thats how it all started. Poor boy, he would have never imagined that this girl will enter his and take complete control of his life in a few years.
One year back............
He was hurrying up on the stairs in the MCA department to the office to see the results.
Nothing important to say about his marks. But he turned the the page and on the next page M.Sc OR&CA results were listed. He browsed through the list to found who topped the class. He was shocked and surprised to know that she was the topper in her class. This has created an impression in him, but he cant say whether that was a positive or negative one.
"Why you used my name to talk to her", infact she was very angry when uttering these words.
"I didnt talk to her", he told her politely
"I just asked whether you were there in the ITC lab."
"You know that I was on leave and still you asked her whether I was in."
"No. I knew that you were on leave, but still I thought you could have come to ITC lab"
"You used my name to talk to her."
She kept telling these words in several ways and styles like Raguvaran's "I know, I know, Iiii... know"
"I didnt talk, just typed a few words on messenger."
She left angrily and after a couple of days she completely stopped talking to him.
Suddenly everyone started becoming busy preparing for the campus interviews.
He was again seriously trying to execute some C program in octa. She entered the lab and was a bit nervous and was walking here and there in the lab.
He thought she is searching for a system and thought of giving his system immediately, if she couldn't get one. She crossed behind him several times and once when she crossed, he brought out all his courage and asked "CSS results are put up in the placement office notice board". Somehow he could guess that she is on search for the CSS results only.
"No, just now I checked there."
"Oh, Ok, may be we need to check he placement site then..."
"Ya, thanks, thats why I came here... I will check..." and she left.
One day she was seriously doing some work in the user lab. By now he got job through the campus interviews.
Now he didn't have much difficulty in starting the conversation with her
"Did you apply for BEL"
"Go to this URL, fill in this form..." he kept talking and talking and then said bye and left.
Days rolled, he finished pre-final semester and went to chennai for carrying out his project work.
Within a few days of reaching Chennai, he sent a mail to her, asking how she is, and how her project work is going on?
To his surprise, he got reply on the same day and came to know that she is also in the sam e city, doing some research related work in Theorital Computer Science. Mails flied back and forth.
She used to ask doubts in C++, in which she was writing programs, something which she used to say "succint data structures."
As he didnt concentrate on data structures in college, he had difficulty in understanding what she was actually doing.
He immediately started learning C++, more than Java (on which he was working) so that he can clarify her doubts. In a way he was happy that a topper is asking her doubts and he is clarifying (actually trying to clarify) them.
All of the conversations happened over mail and messenger. The number of mail count reached 100s and then 1000s. They became good friends.
1st June of a wonderful year, he tied her the holy knot, and both their families became a single family.
But the irony is, he who initially had lot difficulty in talking to her, from then on, had chance only to listen her continueous talks :-)...
The highlight was once when his mother remarked "Even we could not have found such a good girl." Yes like him, she impressed everyone in his home and they lived happily forever.
NOTE: This post is dedicated to my friend.